Home > Connectivity, Workstations > Expert Interview with Jimmy Bergmark About AutoCAD

Expert Interview with Jimmy Bergmark About AutoCAD

AutoCADJimmy Bergmark of JTB World has decades of experience in the AutoCAD industry. That’s why he started his own business to help fellow CAD users.

He agreed to share his experience in that industry with readers in this interview.

Please describe your background and how that background benefits JTB World.
In 1983 I got a Sinclair ZX81 computer and got hooked by what computers could achieve; I started to learn BASIC and after that took every opportunity to learn more about computers and programming and later selected an education with that focus. Starting in 1989, I got to work with building engineers using AutoCAD helping out with automating their drafting work using AutoLISP.

For nine years I worked for an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) company as an Architectural and Structural Engineer, CAD Manager, Database Manager, Development Manager and System Manager. One great thing with that work was that the factory and office were side by side so we could see what we did be put into practice and also get quick feedback from the crew on the factory. During that time, I started JTB World in 2001 as a side business where I made good use of my experience of finding ways for companies using CAD to work more effectively and cut costs by automating tedious work. Since 2006, I’ve worked with JTB World full time together with my wife, creating apps that are sold through our website and now also on Autodesk Exchange Apps as well as creating custom solutions both for one-man shops as well as large enterprise companies.

Describe the services offered by JTB World.
JTB World focuses on programming services mainly for the AutoCAD and Revit platforms but also for Microsoft Office and Windows in general. Most programming is done with AutoLISP, VBA, VB.NET, C# and sometimes in C++, often involving connections to software like Excel or databases like Access or SQL Server. JTB FlexReport is a license and application usage monitoring solution offered by JTB World to help customers to manage their software licenses and be in a better position when it’s time to make decisions on maintenance, upgrades and new purchases that often can be very expensive. With the help of JTB FlexReport, it’s easier to know historic usage and estimate future usage.

When it comes to AutoCAD, what do customers say are the most beneficial features offered by JTB World?
My many years of using and programming for AutoCAD benefit our customers greatly. If a customer has an idea or a problem, it can in most cases be realized or solved with a custom solution that saves them time and money. Sometimes what the customer wants can be done with existing AutoCAD
functionalities, and I’d rather suggest them how to use these than to create a custom solution. Other times, AutoCAD is lacking functions some customers need, and I try to create something to make AutoCAD more powerful.

JTB World has, for example, the SSMPropEditor app that is for users of AutoCAD’s Sheet Set Manager. One customer said, “This program is one of the best values for the money we spent. I have mentioned this to management several times. The program and the support is above and beyond.” Another customer said, “I’ve purchased the SSMPropEditor and it’s the best investment I have made in my life. I’m editing custom sheet set data regarding drawn-by and checked by and lots of other data for hundreds of sheets in seconds while it took me days to do it.”

What are some of the biggest issues CAD users come across, and how do you address those issues?
Often similar things need to be done on multiple drawings. It can be from updating title blocks, plotting, extracting information to Excel to updating drawings to meet certain requirements. Existing apps like SmartPurger or AutoCAD Automation Tools are great for batch processing. Sometimes small apps done, for example, in AutoLISP can go a long way while in other cases the complexity can require days of work to program but still save even more time and costs compared to doing it manually.

Please name some trends happening in the field of CAD and how JTB World addresses those trends.
There’s importance of consistency of information and data when working with CAD. BIM is a big trend that has going on for years. BIM can be implemented by companies in different levels where even AutoCAD and AutoCAD Architectural can play a part, but the problem is that there is data both in the CAD system and in other external databases, and here JTB World both has existing apps like ACAD_db and ACA_db that link data between databases and CAD as well as custom solutions to fit specific needs. Other companies take BIM even further with Integrated Project Delivery and use the data better for both construction as well as building operation, and there are a lot of opportunities for a company like JTB World to help companies to achieve these goals.

What kinds of tips and tools does JTB World offer for CAD users?
There are several AutoLISP apps and code snippets I have put up on my site that can be used for free, and on my blog I share useful tips like Length of object label with free app for AutoCAD or Slow to license and start Revit.

What benefits do individuals experience when using JTB World?
Customers can draw upon my experience of having worked in and for companies similar to their own. I have done drafting and engineering work myself and know how frustrating certain things can be and how much help a bit of programming or customization can do.

Please share anything additional you would like individuals in the CAD community to know about JTB World.
Customers can get help with questions or apps that are done within less than an hour all the way up to large, complex projects that take weeks or months and often where many programmers are involved. Feel free to contact us at JTB World, and we will do our best to accommodate you by reducing your work load, minimizing errors when things are done manually and saving your company some money. We look forward to hearing from you.

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